Services & Activities
- Pakete di cuminda Food baskets
- Pakete di sosten- Aid baskets
- Pan tres biaha pa siman ( Dialuna-Diaranson-Diabierna horario: 9.00 am-1.00pm) Pa cliente nan na Oranjestad. Weekly bread hand out (Monday-Wednesday-Friday Oranjestad and Tuesday -Thursday San Nicolas)
- Paña y articulonan di cas pa clientenan registra. Clothing and household articles.
- Guia personal di trahadornan social. Personal guidance from Social Workers
- Trayecto di participacion. Clientenan ta participa den trabao boluntario na FPNC pa di e forma aki crea estimulo personal y combati isolacion. Participation trajectories in which clients volunteer with the foundation in order to stimulate their social skills and fight social isolation.
- Un programa di re-integracion di clientenan cu e meta di e programa aki ta pa sostene e cliente pa alcansa su independencia financiero mas pronto posibel pa medio di training, coaching y guia personal den cual tin hopi atencion pa talentonan personal, actitud, cooperacion y responsabilidad propio. Re-integration program with the purpose of stimulating clients towards financial independence through job training courses or workshops, personal guidance with the focus on personal personal growth professional developmsent.
- Trayecto di enseñanza y labor pa logra nan propio independencia financiero. Workshops based on guidance of responsible financial management.
- Den un tayer social clientennan lo labora y alabes sinja/ practica diferente ofishi basa riba nan mesun talento y competencianan. Di e forma aki aumenta nan posibilidadnan riba mercado laboral como tambe nan independencia laboral. Personal qualities and abilities courses based on career development using personal talents. This way we can expand career development possibilities of our clients to get back on to the labor market.
Events / Projects
Cumpleañero Contento
Back to School
Meal Packaging Event
Pasco ta jega na bo porta (Christmas Event)
Affiliations – Friends of FPNC
FPNC mission is to help to most vulnerable families. In order to do that we need friends to help us get to these families. instancianan Amigo di FPNC / Friends of FPNC are NGO’s, Government departments and other local particular initiatives that have a collaboration with FPNC, referring their clients.
- Adopt an Addict
- Aliansa Nobo
- Bureau Slachtofferhulp
- Bureau Sostenemi
- Caritas Aruba
- Centro Playa Pabao
- Colegio EPI
- Consulado Venezolano
- Cruz Cora
- Dienst Publieke Scholen (DPL)
- Diferente scolnan
- Directie Sociale Zaken/DAS
- Directie Voogdijraad
- DPL (Departemento di Progreso Laboral)
- Drs.Y.N Morales-Thuis Huisarts
- EPB Hato
- EPB San Nicolas
- HIAS Aruba
- F.M.A.A.
- FBBG (Fundacion Biba Bou Guia)
- FHMD (Fundacion hende muhe den dificultad)
- Fundacion Ban uni man pa cria nos muchanan
- Fundacion Dominicana Arubanse Juan Pablo Duarte
- Fundacion Pa Nos Muchanan
- Fundacion Family First
- Fundacion Guia Mi
- Hope Foundation
- H.O.Hospitaal
- Imsan
- MDC (Multi Disciplinaire Centrum)
- Ministerie Sociale Zaken
- Misa Sta. Teresita San Nicolas
- Operation Christmas Child Samaritan’s Purse
- Pychological Education
- Reclassering
- Respaldo
- SPD- (Sociaal Psychiatrische Dienst)
- Stichting Eliezer
- Stichting Hoodchamps
- SVGA (st. verstandelijk gehandicapten Aruba)
- Universidad di Aruba
- WGK (Stichting Wit Gele Kruis)